Bio identical Hormone therapy Phila, PA - Equilibrium Hormone Institute

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can provide relief for bothersome symptoms of hormone imbalance and support better health as we age. This article from Equilibrium Hormone Institute in Philadelphia provides an overview of bioidentical hormones, common reasons for treatment, what to expect, and lifestyle tips to get the most from therapy.

What Are Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. They are often prescribed when levels of key hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone decline with age, leading to problematic symptoms.

Replacing deficient hormones can alleviate unpleasant symptoms and promote better health and vitality long-term. Our bioidentical hormone doctors use both clinical evaluation and advanced lab testing of hormone levels to determine if BHRT is appropriate for an individual's needs and health status.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) refers to use of hormones biochemically identical to those our bodies make to supplement declining levels, thereby reducing deficiency symptoms. Bioidentical hormone therapy aims to restore hormone balance for optimal physical and mental health.

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Common Reasons for Bioidentical HRT

There are several common hormonal imbalances that may warrant BHRT under a doctor's supervision. Understanding common symptoms and causes can help identify if bioidentical hormones may help.

Estrogen Deficiency

Plummeting estrogen is a hallmark of perimenopause and menopause. As the ovaries produce less estrogen, levels can fall rapidly. Low estrogen often causes:

Estrogen deficiency happens to all women as part of the menopause transition, usually between ages 45-55. Duration and severity of symptoms varies. Supplemental low-dose bioidentical estradiol or estriol via creams, tablets or pellets can provide relief when administered under medical guidance at the lowest dose to alleviate symptoms.

Key takeaway: Bioidentical estrogen therapy is very effective for relieving hot flashes, sleep disruption, vaginal atrophy symptoms and mood changes related to menopause.

Declining Testosterone

Testosterone levels peak in the late 20s for both men and women then gradually decline. But some men and women experience a more dramatic downward shift, causing:

Testosterone deficiency has multiple causes including normal aging, damage to the testes, medications, chronic health conditions, radiation/chemotherapy and stress.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) via topical gels, injectable preparations or testosterone pellets can effectively eliminate symptoms of low testosterone when properly administered and monitored by an experienced physician.

Key takeaway: Many men benefit greatly from testosterone therapy to resolve distressing symptoms of low testosterone (low T) and regain their vitality.

Falling Progesterone

Progesterone prepares the uterus for pregnancy each month and maintains pregnancy. It declines during perimenopause as ovulation becomes less frequent. Symptoms include:

Bioidentical progesterone provided cyclically can relieve many symptoms and protect the uterus from unwanted growth.

Key takeaway: Bioidentical progesterone helps stabilize menstrual cycles and mood during the years leading up to menopause.

Other Hormone Deficits

Deficiencies in dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), thyroid, growth hormone, oxytocin or other hormones can also develop gradually over time, quickly after surgery or due to medical conditions. Replacement under medical guidance may provide substantial relief.

Key takeaway: A number of hormones vital for health and wellbeing tend to decline with age. Careful testing helps identify deficits. Addressing them can make a big difference in one's health, functioning and longevity.

Take control of your hormone imbalance today!

What to Expect From Bioidentical HRT

The first step is thorough lab testing and clinical evaluation by an experienced bioidentical hormone doctor to determine which hormones are low and causing issues, then confirm that hormone therapy is appropriate for your unique health profile. Custom blended prescriptions precisely match your needs.

Hormone therapy is highly customized with careful follow up to achieve optimal benefits while minimizing risks that depend partly on one's age, health status and risk factors. Monitoring generally includes follow up lab tests, adjustment of dosing if needed, plus tracking of symptoms and side effects if any.

Improvements in symptoms commonly begin within a few weeks but maximum benefits may take 2-3 months or longer. Therapy is often continued for several years through full menopause and sometimes longer for best results. Patients work closely with their healthcare provider to determine the ideal duration based on their needs and goals.

Key takeaway: Close medical monitoring helps tailor bioidentical hormone dosing to the optimal level providing symptom relief and health protective effects while minimizing potential downsides. Therapy is highly customized for each individual.

Bioidentical Estrogen and Progestogens

The primary sex hormones for women are estrogens and progesterone. Bioidentical versions commonly used include:

Estradiol - Most active, potent estrogen - Biochemically identical to the estradiol produced by ovaries - Topical creams, gels, sprays or tablets

Estrone - Weak estrogen produced by body after menopause - Supplements estradiol, supports bone and heart health - Topical creams

Estriol - Weaker estrogen made by placenta during pregnancy - Protects tissues, neutral effect on breast and uterus - Topical vaginal creams reduce dryness

Progesterone - Bioidentical to hormone produced by ovaries - Protects uterus from unwanted growth - Improves sleep, mood and fluid balance - Capsules, sublingual drops, topical creams

These and several other bioidentical hormone preparations including testosterone and DHEA provide extensive options for custom-blending treatment.

When initiating estrogen therapy, a progestogen (progesterone or a similar acting hormone) is also prescribed if uterus is intact to prevent risk of uterine cancer. Continuous progestogen use may be advised for some patients or cyclical for others depending on menopause status and various health factors.

Experienced bioidentical hormone doctors help navigate the nuances of hormone therapy including choice of molecular preparations, routes of administration and dosing schedules tailored to individual needs.

Key takeaway: Various forms of bioidentical estrogen, testosterone and other hormones allow for personalized therapy aimed at relieving deficiency symptoms while minimizing risks.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to those produced by the body, but derived from plant sources. Though promoted as more natural, large studies found bioidenticals provide no added benefit over conventional hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms, and carry similar health risks if not properly dosed.

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Customized bioidentical hormone therapy under medical supervision can provide multiple quality of life benefits such as:

Symptom relief

Enhanced health

Key takeaway: Restoring optimal hormone balance can greatly improve menopause symptoms and enhance overall health and wellbeing as we age.

Get relief from hormone imbalance symptoms today!

Health Promoting Lifestyle Tips

Bioidentical hormone therapy provides a strong foundation. We recommend supporting it with healthy lifestyle choices to maximize results:

Key takeaway: Supporting bioidentical hormone therapy with positive lifestyle and self-care choices maximizes therapeutic benefits.

Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment

Given the pivotal role key hormones play throughout life and the variety of bothersome symptoms hormone deficiencies cause, timely testing and diagnosis of imbalances is critical, followed by prompt treatment when indicated.

Too often menopausal women suffer disruptive symptoms for months to years without solutions. Men frequently struggle in silence with erectile dysfunction, low libido and "manopause" symptoms rather than seeking help also.

Postponing treatment allows symptoms to linger and health risks of long term deficiencies to escalate over time so we strongly encourage not delaying. Traversing midlife and beyond offers ample vitality when hormones are properly balanced. Our experienced healthcare providers help patients tackle troublesome hormone-related symptoms to enjoy life fully through the years ahead.

Why Choose Equilibrium Hormone Institute for Your Hormone Therapy Needs

You may wonder why choose our clinic over other local providers for your bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT). Here's what sets Equilibrium Hormone Institute apart:

We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you on addressing troublesome deficiency symptoms to restore your vitality and help you flourish in the years ahead. Call to schedule an informative consultation soon with one of our bioidentical hormone doctors.

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